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Paul's Place Cocktail
& Beer Bar on Soi 7
By Polleke

A Fun Place to Stop In To
Wife Thum Shaking It Up !
Stop in and watch Polleke's wife Thum shaking up one of her great cocktails !
We have a variety of drinks and spaciality cocktails, over 60 different European and Thai cocktails served. Located right on Soi 7 near 2nd Road. Both Soi 7 & Soi 8 have the best nightlife entertainment you will find in Pattaya. We offer a clean and comfortable bar with every kind of music to fit the mood. Over 15 girls are employed here and most speak English. Big TV with IBC service. English and Dutch football can be seen and is very popular here. So stop by, have some fun and enjoy Thum's cocktails.
Paul's Place Cocktail & Beer Bar
164/13 Soi 7 Beach Road (near 2nd Rd)
Pattaya City 20260 Thailand
Tel # 361-119, Fax # 361-682
Attention Mr. Polleke

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