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Pattaya Clubs

Local Clubs

A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous)
The Pattaya group meets every Wed., Sat., Sun.: 7.30 pm, 519/16 Soi Skaw Beach. Call Jack 251420 or Mike 411877

Die Zugvoegel
New German speaking Group "Die Zugvoegel" meet every third Thursday at 12:00 p.m. for lunch at Moon River Pub. Call for venue and special events. For information call: Elfi Tel. 367075, Marion Tel. 370618

EI Group de Habla Española
Las Senoras de habla hispana residentes en Pattaya, se reunencada jueves Ilmar a la Sra. Leslie Jokinen Tel/Fax 756364 o la Sra. Alicia Poulsen Tel. 364088. Bienvenida!

Fellowship for Christian Women
Meet the 4th. Saturday of every month at Amari Orchid Hotel. Please call 420190 - Jan Galle, 372650 - Kim Gundle, 893758 - Sonia Imrie, 225672 - Amy Kremling

F.C.C.T. Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand
President Philippe Decaux, Penthouse, Maneeya Center Building, 518/5 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 Tel. 02-6520580-1, Fax02-6520582 E-mail:

Free Masons
Lodge Pattaya West Winds Meet the 2nd Saturday of every month from October to May at the Royal Cliff Grand at 6 p.m. Call Trevor Cox, 038-361625

Globe Trotters Children's Club
For all ages. Meets every 2nd Friday at 15:30 for swimming and every 4th Saturday at 10:00 for structured activities at the Amari Orchid Resort. For more info call Penny Toner, Tel. 893763 or Ann Suttie, Tel. 424776

J.C. Pattaya
Call 428058, 01-9130203 for complete details

La Confrerie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
Meeting at various hotels and member restaurants in Pattaya. Next venue to be announced

Lions Club of Pattaya
Meeting 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 p.m. at A-One The Royal Cruise Hotel, Beach road Soi 2, 421100-1, President Visit Eagark Tel. 038-422812-4

Lions Club of Pratamnak
Meeting 2nd wedensday of the month. 19.00 p.m. at A-One The Royal Cruise Hotel, Beach rd. President Nittaya Manotavorn Tel. 038-429719 , 420344

Nordic Society of Pattaya
(nordisk Forening Pattaya-Eastern Seaboard) Membership club for all Nordic citizens. Chairman: Sven Ekmark, Tel. 038-251703, E-mail: Seretary: Jan Persson, Tel./Fax 038-630784

Pattaya Bridge Club
Meets every Monday 2 p.m. in the coffee shop. Pattaya Beach Condotel, Soi 4. Visitors are welcome

Pattaya English Drama Group
welcomes new members. All nationalities are welcome. No experience is necessary. Call or Fax Mark on 238267 E-mail: for further information

Pattaya Golf Society
Meets Tuesday at 10.00 a.m. at Bunker Bar, Soi Chaiyapoon. Tee off at various golf courses, 11.30 a.m. All golfers welcome

Pattaya International Ladies Club
Meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Venue as notified. Mary Harris, Vice President Tel. 306067 or Yvonne Whittaker 306090

Pattaya Professional Women's Forum
Meets monthly every second Tuesday in the evenings. Venue and as notified. Both Thai and expat ladies welcome. For details: Ruth Grant Tel. 038-880360 or Fax: 630735 ad Sue Priddle Tel. 038-630317 ext. 006

Pattaya Business & Tourism Assc. (PBTA)
Meets every second Thursday of the month at Royal Garden Resort. President Suphadit Maneeratanajaratsri, Tel. 428126-7 Fax. 429926

Play Group for Children
For children between 1 and 3 years - every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10.00. Please call Cindy 237483 or Yuko 303070 (Japanese speaker)

Pattaya Panthers Rugby Club
Training Tuesday nights at 18.00 hrs for the ladies touch football team, 19.00 hrs men's Rugby team every other night at Delaney's Pattaya. Contact Kim Fletcher (038) 710641-3

Rayong Ladies Circle
Meets for coffee second Thursday of the month (usually). Meets for lunch last Thursday of the month. Call Membership Secretaries: Norah Morgan Tel.880573 Brenda Fermandes Tel. 601537

Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya
(In English) Meets Wednesdays 18.30 hrs at the "Rotary Room" in the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel. President: Bancha Mungchana Tel. (038) 410411-2

Rotary Club of Pattaya
(In English) Meet Monday 19.00 p.m. at Town-in-Town Hotel, Central Road. President: Sousiree Chanchailert Tel. (038) 428305

Singing Group "Seaboard Sound"
Contact Monika Rottmann, Tel. 225903. Reahearsals are Mondays from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and after that for Barbershop music from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Veterans of Foreign Wars
Second Wednesday of every month 13.00 p.m. at Diana Inn, Second Road

Meet as notified. Call Khun Jiraporn on Tel (038) 423662, 421475

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